^UNotes Button^U: Click this button to go to the Notes screen. If there are lines on the notebook, the person has notes. If no lines, there are not yet any notes. ^UNotes Button^U: Click this button to go to the Notes screen to add or modify notes. ^USave Family Button^U: Click this button to save the changes you made to the family. ^USave Button^U: Click this button to save the changes you made to the record. ^UFamily Button^U: Click this button to edit the family of the Father and Mother, or, if no number, to add a family. ^UIndividual Button^U: Click this button to edit the record of the person, or, to add a person if ^IUNKNOWN^I is displayed. ^UCancel Button^U: Click this button to return to the previous screen without saving any changes. ^UAdd Family Button^U: Click this button to add the family to the file. ^UChildren Button^U: Double-click the name to edit the record or on the word ^INEW CHILD^I to add a record. ^UDivorced^U: Click in this box if the husband and wife were divorced. [316]^UTemple Code^U: Type the code of the temple where the work was done (for example, for ^BSalt Lake City^B- -type ^BSL^B; for ^BSidney^B--type ^BSD^B). [332]^USeal Wife-to-Husband Date^U: Type the sealing date of the husband and wife (for example, ^B8 JUL 1822^B). You can also type date substitutes. [318]^ULEVEL 4^U: Type the largest geographical place level (for example, for St. Andrews, Holborn, London, ^BEngland^B--type ^BEngland^B). [318]^ULEVEL 3^U: Type the next-to-largest geographical place level (for example, for St. Andrews, Holborn, ^BLondon^B, England--type ^BLondon^B). [318]^ULEVEL 2^U: Type the next-to-smallest geographical place level (for example, for St. Andrews, ^BHolborn^B, London, England--type ^BHolborn^B). [318]^ULEVEL 1^U: Type the smallest geographical place level (for example, for ^BSt. Andrews^B, Holborn, London, England--type ^BSt. Andrews^B). [333]^UMarriage Date^U: Type the marriage date of the husband and wife (for example, ^B8 JUL 1819^B). ^UWife^U: Double-click on the name to edit the record or on the word^IUNKNOWN^I, to go to the Individual screen and add a record. ^UHusband^U: Double-click on the name to edit the record or on the word^IUNKNOWN^I, to go to the Individual screen and add a record. Help for field 47 Help for field 46 Help for field 45 Help for field 44 ^UCancel Button^U: Click this button to return to the Pedigree Search screen without saving any changes. ^UAdd Button^U: Click this button to add the individual to the file. [331]^UID No.^U: (Optional) This can be a number you assign to each individual, such as ^BSmythe026^B, ^BClark-135^B, ^BChart 237^B, ^BChrt8FGR13^B. [316]^UTemple Code^U: Type the code of the temple where the work was done (for example, for ^BSalt Lake City^B- -type ^BSL^B; for ^BSidney^B--type ^BSD^B). [330]^USealing-to-Parent Date^U: Type the date or date substitute (for example, ^B8 JUL 1877^B, or ^BSubmitted^B, ^BCompleted^B, ^BDNS/CAN^B (do not seal/cancelled). [316]^UTemple Code^U: Type the code of the temple where the work was done (for example, for ^BSalt Lake City^B- -type ^BSL^B; for ^BSidney^B--type ^BSD^B). [329]^UEndowment Date^U: Type the date or date substitute (for example, ^B8 JUL 1877^B, or ^BSubmitted^B, ^BCleared^B, ^BSeeNotes^B). [316]^UTemple Code^U: Type the code of the temple where the work was done (for example, for ^BSalt Lake City^B- -type ^BSL^B; for ^BSidney^B--type ^BSD^B). [328]^UBaptism Date^U: Type the date or date substitute (for example, ^B8 JUL 1877^B, or ^BInfant^B, ^BStillborn^B, ^BUncleared^B). [318]^ULEVEL 4^U: Type the largest geographical place level (for example, for St. Andrews, Holborn, London, ^BEngland^B--type ^BEngland^B). [318]^ULEVEL 3^U: Type the next-to-largest geographical place level (for example, for St. Andrews, Holborn, ^BLondon^B, England--type ^BLondon^B). [318]^ULEVEL 2^U: Type the next-to-smallest geographical place level (for example, for St. Andrews, ^BHolborn^B, London, England--type ^BHolborn^B). [318]^ULEVEL 1^U: Type the smallest geographical place level (for example, for ^BSt. Andrews^B, Holborn, London, England--type ^BSt. Andrews^B). [327]^UBurial Date^U: Type the burial date of the person (for example, ^B24 JUN 1878^B). You can also type date substitutes. [318]^ULEVEL 4^U: Type the largest geographical place level (for example, for St. Andrews, Holborn, London, ^BEngland^B--type ^BEngland^B). [318]^ULEVEL 3^U: Type the next-to-largest geographical place level (for example, for St. Andrews, Holborn, ^BLondon^B, England--type ^BLondon^B). [318]^ULEVEL 2^U: Type the next-to-smallest geographical place level (for example, for St. Andrews, ^BHolborn^B, London, England--type ^BHolborn^B). [318]^ULEVEL 1^U: Type the smallest geographical place level (for example, for ^BSt. Andrews^B, Holborn, London, England--type ^BSt. Andrews^B). [326]^UDeath Date^U: Type the death date of the person (for example, ^B24 JUN 1878^B). You can also type date substitutes. [318]^ULEVEL 4^U: Type the largest geographical place level (for example, for St. Andrews, Holborn, London, ^BEngland^B--type ^BEngland^B). [318]^ULEVEL 3^U: Type the next-to-largest geographical place level (for example, for St. Andrews, Holborn, ^BLondon^B, England--type ^BLondon^B). [318]^ULEVEL 2^U: Type the next-to-smallest geographical place level (for example, for St. Andrews, ^BHolborn^B, London, England--type ^BHolborn^B). [318]^ULEVEL 1^U: Type the smallest geographical place level (for example, for ^BSt. Andrews^B, Holborn, London, England--type ^BSt. Andrews^B). [325]^UChristening Date^U: Type the christening date of the person (for example, ^B24 JUN 1878^B). You can also type date substitutes. [318]^ULEVEL 4^U: Type the largest geographical place level (for example, for St. Andrews, Holborn, London, ^BEngland^B--type ^BEngland^B). [318]^ULEVEL 3^U: Type the next-to-largest geographical place level (for example, for St. Andrews, Holborn, ^BLondon^B, England--type ^BLondon^B). [318]^ULEVEL 2^U: Type the next-to-smallest geographical place level (for example, for St. Andrews, ^BHolborn^B, London, England--type ^BHolborn^B). [318]^ULEVEL 1^U: Type the smallest geographical place level (for example, for ^BSt. Andrews^B, Holborn, London, England--type ^BSt. Andrews^B). [324]^UBirth Date^U: Type the birth date of the person (for example, ^B24 JUN 1878^B). You can also type date substitutes. [323]^UTitle^U: Type the title of the individual (for example, ^BSr.^B, ^BJr.^B, ^BLord^B, ^BBaron^B, ^BEarl^B, ^BDoctor^B, ^BM.D.^B, ^BCapt.^B, ^BCol.^B). Also use it to record occupation. [322]^UGiven 3^U: Type the third given name of the individual. For example, for Ada Ruth ^BMarie^B Doner--type ^BMarie^B. [321]^UGiven 2^U: Type the second given name of the individual. For example, for Ada ^BRuth^B Marie Doner--type ^BRuth^B. [320]^UGiven 1^U: Type the first given name of the individual. For example, for ^BAda^B Ruth Marie Doner--type ^BAda^B. [319]^USurname^U: Type the last name of the individual. For example, for Ada Ruth Marie ^BDoner^B--type ^BDoner^B ^USex^U: Type an M for Male or an F for Female. If not known, leave the field blank. [317]^UPedigree Search Screen^U: This is the main screen in the Family Records program. You always start and end here. ^UIndividual's Spouses Buttons^U: Click one of these buttons to move the name of the spouse to the Spouse button. ^UChildren Buttons^U: Click one of these buttons to move the name of the child to the Individual button. ^UFamily Button^U: Click this button to edit the family of the Individual and Spouse, or, if no number, to add a family. ^USpouse Button^U: Click this button to move the spouse's name to the Individual button. ^UMother Button^U: Click this button to move the mother's name, or the word ^IUnknown^I (if displayed) to the Individual button. ^UFather Button^U: Click this button to move the father's name, or the word ^IUnknown^I (if displayed) to the Individual button. MORE HELP